Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Damn Snow!

In the past two weeks we have had more snow than I can recall. The Blizzard of 1996 was nothing compared to this crap. To make it worse, they are calling for more snow on Monday and Tuesday of next week. I miss being a kid right now, they are out of school this entire week. Yes, I am wishing I was a kid again, because work on a snow day stinks.

Let's discuss my issue with this weather. It's one thing to Storm, but must you storm over my weekend. I have no desire to be trapped in the house. I have things to do and people to see on my weekends and when Mother Nature decides to impede on my plans, I become rather upset. Seriously, snow on the week days not the weekends. Let's come to an agreement on this.

I am the type of person that acquires "cabin fever" the moment I find out I am stuck in the house. If I choose to stay in the house, great but when my choice is taken from me, cabin fever sets in. Everyone around me will hear my complaints.

I have thought of a few things you can do to help alleviate boredom.

  • Update your scrapbook
  • Read a book
  • Clean the house
  • Video games
  • Bake
  • Write a blog
  • Shop online
  • Talk to friends (phone)
  • Nap
  • Work on a hobby

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My Rules - Part One!

Warning....Some of them may sound mean but I firmly stand behind all of them.

  1. Child molesters, children beaters, or child murders should all be killed on national TV. Burn them at the stake and let America watch. I know it sounds harsh but seriously, they deserve it.

  2. Love your pets, don't abuse them. Michael dumb ass Vick, oh please put him a cockpit with a bunch of hungry angry dogs, I would be delighted to see them rip his body to shreds. He deserves it and so does anyone else who supports what he did.

  3. Don't be prejudice, we are all HUMANS. Our race, religion, sex or gender should not be a problem. Unless you worship evil, I will not be rude but stay the hell away from me. You clearly need mental help.

  4. Sunglasses should not be worn indoors especially on award ceremonies such as the Grammy's Oscars Tony's, etc. It doesn't make you look cool, it makes you look stupid.

  5. Wear clothes that fit I really don't need to be subjected to seeing your undergarments. They are called undergarments for a reason. Also, I do not need to see the rolls you have because you refuse to purchase that article of clothing in a bigger size.

  6. Navy blue and black do not match. I know there is a debate about this but I am right. Listen to me.

  7. If you have a question about me, ask me, not my friends. They aren't going to tell you anything about me. If I choose not to answer your question, it's because it isn't your business to know.

  8. Don't look like a whore, have pictures of your high/drunk self or sound like an uneducated fool on Facebook, Myspace, etc. I will remove you! Seriously, if I remove you from my friend list, don't ask to be my friend again. You broke my rule, I will not have idiots on my media page where my co-workers and family members are. Plus, I have no desire to be subjected to your idiotic events. DUH!

  9. Just because my friends like you, doesn't mean I will like you. Learn this, I have no room in my life for people I can't stand.

  10. Never let a job run your life.

  11. Donate money or your time to an organization, charity, or people in need. i.e. Haiti relief.

  12. Show gratitude.

  13. Religion should not be in school, work place, politics or money. That is the problem with this world today, you have no right to force your religious beliefs in our face. Especially when you clearly have no idea what your faith is teaching. Twisting "the word" from any faith to suit your beliefs is wrong. Oh, and who are you to judge anyone!

  14. If you have bad skin, believe me make-up is your friend and a skin care regimen is needed so please embrace it.

  15. Real men, let me repeat this , REAL MEN do not hit, slap, push, shove, shake, or verbally abuse women. You did nothing wrong to deserve that abuse, leave his sorry ass alone. Just because he is your baby daddy doesn't mean you have to stay with him.

  16. Do not call me and talk to other people while you are on the phone with me. It's rude and I have better things to do.

  17. Exercise! It keeps you healthy and it's a great way to relive stress.

  18. Don't always say yes, if you don't want to do something say no. Your real friends and family will still love and respect you, if they don't then they weren't good enough to be in your life in the first place.

  19. Respect yourself! If you don't respect yourself first, no one else will. People treat you the way you allow them to treat you. Hard lesson to learn but it's true so learn it.

  20. Just because they are family doesn't mean you have to talk or hang out with them. I know that sounds rude but being connected by blood does not mean I have to endure that family member's rudeness. I'm sorry, life is hard as it is, I don't need my family making it worse because they are deadbeats.

  21. Follow your heart not your freaking private parts.

  22. Just because that style of clothing is in style doesn't mean it looks good on you. Know your body and dress accordingly.

  23. Dress your age people!

  24. Focus on what you want to happen, envision it and take steps towards it.

  25. Solve your own problems; everyone does not need to know every single issue in your life.

  26. Don't talk so loud that even through closed doors I can hear what you are saying. Trust me, I am not interested in your conversation.

  27. If you see me on the phone, do not speak to me. Learn manners, it's extremely rude. I will not respond to you and I promise you I will tune you out. I have mastered the skill of tuning people out.

  28. Learn something new each day.

  29. Read books, watch less TV.

  30. If you are wearing open toed shoes, please keep your feet neat. No one wants to see your torn up feet, its gross.

  31. Messy hair look is awful, take a comb to that stuff. Let me make this more clear, personal hygiene is important, practice it.

  32. Follow your dreams and don't let anyone put them down.

  33. If I am emotionally drained every time I speak to you, I will end this relationship/friendship.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Random Thought

I officially want a Tiara. I'm sure you are wondering why and the best answer I have is this.

I would be so cute sporting a tiara, I must inform Jay of my new fashion accessory.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Ms. E's Opinion of The Lovely Bones

I'm the type of person that will pick up a book and read it until completion if I enjoy the book. There is nothing worse than purchasing a book because it received great reviews and your find yourself disappointed. The Lovely Bones was a bitter disappointment, no disrespect to Alice Sebold but I found myself bored and struggling to complete the book.

When I purchased The Lovely Bones at Borders, I asked the store clerk what she thought of the book. Not that it matters what she thinks but I have received some excellent recommendations on authors and books because of them. The clerk's response to me was "it was a waste of time". I honestly didn't know how to take that comment. We have our likes and dislikes when it comes to reading. I originally thought her response derived from this book not being a happy one. The emotions you feel while reading this novel leaves you sad and grateful to have your children alive. However, I do understand what the clerk meant but I do not agree with her.

Let me clarify, the first eighty or so pages engulfed me and I was very much into The Lovely Bones. The way Alice described Susie's heaven blew me away. Alice was also tactful when she described Susie's demise. I could feel what Alice was writing when it came to her characters but as the book continued on how her family coped with the loss of their family member, the tone went downhill and became dull.

By all means neither a movie nor a book needs to have a happy ending in order for me to like it. I do need to enjoy what I am reading from start to finish. Since I was unable to enjoy this book completely, I would not recommend it. For me reading is about enjoying what the author has written whether it's bad or good, I want to get lost in the characters and the story. Push by Sapphire was a very hard read for me but I was able to take pleasure in the story and become lost in the world Sapphire had described.

I do feel there is a major lesson to be learned from The Lovely Bones that our children and parents need to be aware of. Parents talk to your children about going places with anyone you do not approve of or know. Perfect example, children are more inclined to talk to an adult who has a pet with them. Stress how important it is for them to not speak to strangers or go anywhere with anyone unless you say it's OK. We have to protect our children and ourselves; this world is full of bad people whom have no respect for human life. For this lesson alone, The Lovely Bones is not a waste of time however be prepared to find yourself disappointed.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Sorry, My Wonderful Audience

Its been a while since my last post and I truly apologize for that. For the past month, I have been working on a new project that has consumed my life. Please know, this new project is exciting for me and it's allowing me to bring out my creative side.

Please send me good thoughts and prayers. I have been working on my first book and I'm hoping to get it published once I am done with it. I do not have an ETA on when the book will be completed. I have completed 31 pages thus far and the direction of my book is starting to take shape.

I am growing from this experience every time I write. I find that has become my best friend, enabling me to expand my vocabulary.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Yes...I must discuss my thoughts on Twilight. I have read the entire Twilight series and I must say I am totally in love with Edward! I just finished rereading book one, Twilight and I read the draft of Midnight Sun. Midnight Sun, is written from Edward's point of view, on what he went through to attempt staying away from Bella and what he did when he finally made up his mind to be with her. Some of this book is exactly what you will read from Twilight, conversation wise. Getting to know how Edward and the Cullen Coven, filled in some gaps for me. Example, when he left for that week after meeting Bella, this book informs you on what he did.

I absolutely enjoyed reading the thoughts that Edward could hear from others. The thoughts that went through Jessica and especially Mike Newton's mind were fascinating. I loved when Alice would tell him to act normal because Bella was going to look over.

Book one (Twilight) is the best, book two (New Moon) sucked, book three (Eclipse), I won't even go there but Edward and Bella did get engaged and book four (Breaking Dawn) was my second favorite. I am not a critic nor do I want to speak badly on someones work but I have to make a statement. Stephanie Meyer, the author of Twilight, she takes describing a situation, person, environment and subject to a whole new level. Seriously, how many times did I need to read about Edwards, marble cold pale skin and shinny white teeth. We get the picture he is a vampire, we don't need it described on every single page of the book.

Now,every time I turn around its vampire this and vampire that. Let me clarify, I love vampires, I have been drawn to the myth for years. I watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer, (1992 movie) several times. I have seen Dracula, several versions of it, that vampire movie with Tom Cruise, etc. I loved Angel for years but the essence of Edward has me blown away. I am not sure any other vampire could get my blood going like Edward did. All these emotions were born from reading the book! Not the over exaggerating Stephanie did on his appearance but on how he spoke to Bella, how he acted towards her and how he felt about others when it came to Bella. Who knew a vampire could be jealous!

My frustrations....Twilight the movie, was AWFUL! Robert Pattinson, he is not Edward, he doesn't play Edward well and he doesn't have the debonair demeanor that Edward has. They got his part all wrong and it drives me nuts. Bella, her character was wrong too. I like Kristen Stewart (Bella), she rocked in Speak. I honestly thought she could handle this part, but she couldn't. Bella is honest, a caregiver, inquisitive, someone not willing to show when she is weak. Kristen comes across as a Gothic sad girl that needs a hospital to fix her emotional issues.

James (Cam Gigandet) on the other hand, excellent. He played his part the way it should be played. I could see the bad boy in his eyes, when he said the line "you brought a snack" my body trembled. Jacob (Taylor Lautner) another great cast member for his part. They got this one right too. I am curious to see how he does in New Moon.

I was so excited to see Twilight, I dragged my boyfriend to see this movie on opening night. Disappointment is an understatement. I couldn't wait to see how the book would come alive, but the movie didn't bring the book to life at all. Details were missing, the main two characters and then some were wrong. The connection of Bella and Edward was mesmerizing in Twilight, you could feel it; from a book. This was not the case in Twilight the moive.

Friday, August 28, 2009

This is Great!

I am not a news follwer but the other evening, I had to watch it. This dumbass dude had the nerve to cheat on his wife and his punishement was to stand outside wearing a huge sign on Route 7. Wearing this sign isn't enough of a punishnment but its a great start!
Go girl!